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Élément Dublin CoreValeurLangue
dc.contributor.advisorKunock, Afu isaiah-
dc.contributor.authorNjifon nchare, Didier patrice-
dc.description.abstractThe present Master‘s record in Anthropology is entitled « Les usages du telephone portable dans les relations conjugales: le cas de la ville de Foumbot » The problem raised by this reflection revolves around the induced effects of the conjugal uses of the mobile phone. This research is based on the observation that the mobile phone offers a multitude of conjugal uses.These conjugal uses participate in the improvement of the living environment of spouses. When it comes to spouses of marital universe of sociocultural Bamoun, we can observe effects. According to some information and observations made, the mobile phone causes conjugal problems. However, at Foumbot, this communication tool is one of the most used devices gifted by particular sociocultural effects. It attributes them to the positive cultural, social and economic effects that justify their abundant use by the spouses of sociocultural Bamoun. To better understand the effects of this device in conjugal relations the questions follow: What is the sociocultural and economic impact of mobile uses in marital relations of sociocultural Bamoun in Foumbot? The main assumption that the mobile phone would operate to marital relations in sociocultural Bamoun as factor of social change traditional marriage resilience values. On the methodological level, the qualitative method has demonstrated our argument we have built a corpus of data from reading and field survey, all supported by comments, investigations, group discussion and story life. The analysis and interpretation of data from the ground allowed the confirmation of our different hypothesis. The theoretical framework is built around the functionalism and dynamic anthropology. This work begins with an introduction and has five chapters: Chapter 1 presents the physical and human context of our research. The second highlights the definition of concepts, the literature review and theoretical framework. The third describes the marital uses of mobile phone. The fourth axis is around the marital effects of mobile phone uses in Foumbot. Chapter 5 focuses on the analysis and interpretation of data and then, comes conclusions which economize the content of the thesis. This study can be also conducted by researchers in sociocultures different from those of the Bamoun.fr_FR
dc.publisherUniversité de yaoundé 1fr_FR
dc.subjectBamoun socioculturefr_FR
dc.subjectMobile phonefr_FR
dc.subjectMarital relationsfr_FR
dc.titleLes usages du téléphone portable dans les relations conjugales : le cas de la ville de foumbotfr_FR
Collection(s) :Mémoires soutenus

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