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dc.contributor.advisorTassou, André-
dc.contributor.authorAssingar, Dieudonné Ka-Irim-
dc.description.abstractThis study aims to take stock of the actions of non-governmental organizations (NGOs) in Chad, Central Africa, and particularly in the Province of Tandjilé in the south of the country. In view of all the operations carried out in this area by NGO, World Vision is the only international humanitarian and denominational organization that has been firmly established in the said province since 1985. When it came into being, its humanitarian response was confined to the register emergency relief. But objectively noticing the vulnerability of the populations, the Christian organization was equipped with the area development program (ADP) in 1987 and advocacy activities recently in 2008. This new approach to development aims to make communities autonomous in order to improve their living conditions. From countless sources that we have exploited, both written, oral, electronic and iconographic, we have managed to map the achievements of World Vision Chad in the field of education, health, nutrition, water, hygiene, sanitation, economy, social justice... The theories we have used, namely transnationalism, realism, institutionalism and neocolonialism, have enabled us to deduce, after careful examination of the facts, that humanitarian actions are mostly philanthropic. However, certain difficulties linked to these practices reveal to us the limits of humanitarian action. The international community is increasingly faced with the emergence of new actors. As can be seen, some transnational practices tend to substitute the State in its exercise. After these analyzes carried out on the identity of humanitarian action, the beneficiary populations, the heads of the technical services of the Chadian State and the humanitarian actors themselves, must all, in common agreement, provide a coordinated response to redefine the contours development aid.fr_FR
dc.publisherUniversité de Yaoundé 1fr_FR
dc.titleActions des organisations non gouvernementales humanitaires dans la province de la Tandjilé au sud du Tchad : cas de world vision 1985 – 2022fr_FR
Collection(s) :Mémoires soutenus

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