Veuillez utiliser cette adresse pour citer ce document : https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12177/12380
Titre: Les défis de la restructuration des quartiers pericentraux dans le processus d’un développement urbain durable à Yaoundé
Auteur(s): Mounver, Simon Pierre
Directeur(s): Moupou, Moïse
Tchekote, Hervé
Mots-clés: Défi
Quartier péricentral
Développement urbain durable
Date de publication: 29-avr-2024
Editeur: Université de Yaoundé 1
Résumé: This thesis entitled "The challenges of restructuring peri-central neighborhoods in the process of sustainable urban development in Yaoundé" aims to highlight and analyze the main challenges of restructuring peri-central neighborhoods for sustainable urban develop- ment in Yaoundé. It is based on the following main research question: What is the added value of the restructuring of peri-central neighborhoods for sustainable urban development in Ya- ounde ? This study employs a methodology that combines secondary data via documentary and internet research, participant and/or direct observations, field surveys of the populations of the Essos, Mvog-Ada, Mokolo and Briqueterie neighborhoods in the municipalities and under - prefectures of Yaoundé 5 and 2, semi-structured interviews via interview guides administered to administrative, municipal and traditional authorities and civil society leaders. It emerges from this study that at the end of the inventory, national urban planning is driven by three main phrases, namely: the phase of centralized and postcolonial urban planning based on the six five- year plans ; urban planning in the era of the economic crisis characterized by the failure of the many remedial urban development programs launched by the public authorities visibly weak- ened by the recession and the third and final phase known as decentralized urban planning marked by the implementation of decentralization as provided for by the Cameroonian consti- tution of January 18, 1996. Thus, the multiple urban challenges relate to exponential and un- controlled urban and demographic growth and the multiplicity of obsolete, unproductive and even unsuitable instruments in the context of current urban development. The same is true of the poor mastery of urban planning tools and endless conflicts of interest on the part of public and local urban actors. In addition, the restructuring operation which aims at improving the frameworks and living conditions of populations must focus on the construction and/or reha- bilitation of the road network, public transport, addressing decent social housing, access drink- ing water and electricity and basic socio-collective equipments. By way of strategies and per- spectives for sustainable and inclusive urban planning, in addition to concrete synergistic ac- tions on the part of stakeholders and the regularization of the land situation of the populations, subject to solid technical and economic studies, urban planning would simultaneously take na- tionally and internationally, the National Development Strategy 2030 and the UN-Habitat Sus- tainable Development Goals.
Pagination / Nombre de pages: 402
URI/URL: https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12177/12380
Collection(s) :Thèses soutenues

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