Veuillez utiliser cette adresse pour citer ce document : https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12177/2262
Titre: Characterization of some natural transformations between the bundle functors T^{A}\circ T^{\ast} and T^{\ast}\circ T^{A} on Mf
Auteur(s): Mba, Alphonse
Wamba Kouotchop, Pierre Mesmaire
Mots-clés: natural trans- formations.
symplectic manifolds ans natural transformations
Weil Frobenius algebra
Weil functors
Date de publication: 2018
Résumé: In this paper, we characterize some natural transformations between the bundle functors T^{A}\circ T^{\ast} and T^{\ast}\circ T^{A} on Mf_{m}. In the particular case where A is the space of r-jets at 0 of smooth maps of R --> R, we determine all of these natural transformations. In application, lifts of 1-forms are studied wuth application to the theory of presymplectic structures.
Pagination / Nombre de pages: 21-32
URI/URL: https://dicames.online/jspui/handle/20.500.12177/2262
Autre(s) identifiant(s): http://imhotep-journal.org/index.php/imhotep/article/view/145
Collection(s) :Articles publiés dans des revues à comité scientifique

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