Veuillez utiliser cette adresse pour citer ce document : https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12177/4655
Titre: La question des faux -amis dans l’exercice de traduction chez les apprenants de form iv et v du lycee bilingue d’application de yaoundé
Auteur(s): Magoua, Salomé
Directeur(s): Mbondji Mouelle, Marie-Madeleine
Mots-clés: Enseignement/apprentissage
interférence/transfert négatif
Langue étrangère
Langue maternelle
Langue seconde
Sous-système anglophone
Date de publication: 2016
Editeur: Université de Yaoundé 1
Résumé: In the process of teaching/learning of a foreign language, learners of the Anglophone system meet with many linguistic difficulties due to the phenomenon of interference. Learners already have a good knowledge of their mother tongue and second language and when learning a foreign language, they have tendency to produce wrong meaning while translating from English to French. It is because of the incomplete knowledge of the language in fieri that make learners to translate words and expressions of the language in esse in the language in fiery which give rise to deceptive cognates. This notion of deceptive cognates is originated from interference/negative transfer which need to be taken into consideration and taught by teachers before giving any text to translate and which contains deceptive cognates. The fact that learners do not have sufficient knowledge on this notion leads to wrong translation; since the exercise of translation is an evaluation of other activities of French, it should be taken in the process of teaching-learning of French as a foreign language.
Pagination / Nombre de pages: 114 Pages
URI/URL: https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12177/4655
Collection(s) :Mémoires soutenus

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