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dc.contributor.advisorZondegoumba, Ernestine-
dc.contributor.authorGounou Ghemkam, Roméo Xavier-
dc.description.abstractThe natural extracts of plant contain a variety of active principles to which are attributed diversely biological activities. In the present studies we have evaluate the activities of antibacterial extract from the sterms of Allexis cauliflora (Violaceae). These plants have being harvested in the locality of Kribi (South Cameroon). The powder of the sterms of Allexis cauliflora has been extracted cold and hot. The solubility tests have been realized in the base of chromatography thin layers and ethanol have been detained as the best solvent extraction. The extract of phytochemical screening has revealed the richest of plant in flavonoids, sugars, lipids, phenol, sterol, tannins and saponins. The evaluation of the power of antibacterials of the ethanolic extracts by the method of microdilution method on microtiter plate have been realized in fives species of bacteria to know Escherichia coli, Enterobacter aerogenes, Klebsiella pneumonia, Enterobacter cloacae and Enterobacter BM/67. From these studies, it can be said that the sterms of Allexis cauliflora trained an antibacterial power manifested on the germ studies which minimal inhibitor concentration varies from 62, 5 μg/ml to 125μg/ml. These results confirmed certain pharmacologic and therapeutic use of the sterms of Allexis cauliflora extracts against bacterial infectionsfr_FR
dc.publisherUniversité de Yaoundé Ifr_FR
dc.subjectAllexis cauliflorafr_FR
dc.subjectPhytochemical screeningfr_FR
dc.subjectNatural extractsfr_FR
dc.subjectAntibacterial powerfr_FR
dc.titleÉvaluation des propriétés antibactériennes de l’extrait éthanolique des tiges d’Allexis cauliflora (Violaceae)fr_FR
Collection(s) :Mémoires soutenus

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