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Élément Dublin CoreValeurLangue
dc.contributor.advisorOnanena, Raïssa-
dc.contributor.advisorEle, Pierre-
dc.contributor.authorEtoga Ndongo, Hubert Divin-
dc.description.abstractFactors such as demographic expansion, urbanization and technological development linked to industrialization are responsible for the proliferation of waste of all kinds, particularly biomedical waste. These wastes can be a source of many ills for the environment and humans because they are the reservoir of parasites, micro-organisms, bacteria, viruses... In order for patients, health care providers, maintenance staff and the general population to benefit from a healthy environment in which they will be the least possible exposed to disease, it is essential to adopt an effective waste management policy. Cameroon in particular has a number of health facilities that produce significant amounts of biomedical waste, and like most Third World countries, it faces challenges in managing its waste generation. The current solutions of biomedical waste management in Cameroon being proven, an emergency plan of biomedical waste management headed by the MINSANTE was born in recent years. To support the government’s approach, CURES being a Centre for Research on healthcare, has considered the establishment of a technological tool with the means available on site to effectively contribute to the management of biomedical waste. This tool is nothing more than a double chamber incinerator that can carry the combustion up to 1200 °C, at this temperature level, the waste is completely destroyed, its volume is considerably reduced. The designed incinerator has a capacity of 60 kg, a height of more than 4m from the base to the top of the smoke stack. The structure of the frame is mainly made of refractory bricks and the burner which is the main organ controls the combustion temperature on the basis of fuzzy.en_US
dc.publisherUniversité de Yaoundé Ifr_FR
dc.subjectBiomedical wastefr_FR
dc.subjectFuzzy Logicfr_FR
dc.subjectRefractory bricksfr_FR
dc.titleConception d'un incinerateur pour hôpitaux.fr_FR
Collection(s) :Mémoires soutenus

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