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dc.contributor.advisorNgo Bisse-
dc.contributor.advisorEmvoutou Ndongo, Sandrine-
dc.contributor.authorAndze Mpoam, Marcelle Olive-
dc.description.abstractChildren make us feel happy and caring for them is a natural phenomenon. The context of the textile and clothing industry (ITH) imposes new directions in this sector. Any new solution must be technically efficient and environmentally friendly. That is the objective of our study entering into the valorization and exploitation of local resources in order to cooping with the Cameroon national policy of fighting against unemployment, through the creation of local resources based industries. This is the reason why we proposed to build a preserving box through the theme: "Elaboration and experimental characterization of a natural preservative of mother's milk". From this theme raises the question of how we would proceed to make a preserving box with a composite material made from the association of kapok and wood wool? Which electronic component can be used for keeping the breast milk at the human body temperature? How to achieve a dual-function bag for ambiant and human body temperature? The answers to these questions were found through the experimental studies carried out in this research work. We used several techniques for the realization of the breast milk conservation bag which made it possible to achieve our objectives using experimental processes on artisanal production. A composite material and heating resistors were used to ensure the functioning of this innovative system. With the aim of guaranteeing the industrial activities, we presented the OST provisional diagram with all the operational divisions of each department for the production chain, as well as the functional organisation chart with the aim of the social effects of the industry. Also, without neglecting the estimated cost of carrying out the project. We have presented and characterized the different processes, the resulting wastes of each stage of the experimental process and the prototype of the so called preserving bag. At the end of this work, we produced and presented a preserving bag with a material made from kapok and wood wool as thermal insulation, designed according to the good practices and respecting the required quality criteria. In addition, the objective pursued in this work was achieved because we obtained, as desired, a bag that preserves the milk for 6 hours and 25 minutes and it can be kept at body temperature (37°C) to ensure the feeding of a baby at right times.en_US
dc.publisherUniversité de Yaoundé Ifr_FR
dc.subjectLait maternelfr_FR
dc.subjectCaractérisation expérimentalefr_FR
dc.subjectConservateur naturelfr_FR
dc.titleÉlaboration et caractérisation expérimentale d’un conservateur naturel de lait maternel à base de kapok et de laine de bois.fr_FR
Collection(s) :Mémoires soutenus

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