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dc.contributor.advisorBingono, Emmanuel-
dc.contributor.authorMengue Atho, Esther Winnie-
dc.description.abstractThis study is about the problem of the implication of the parental function and the improvement of the level of competence of learners: case of learners of government technical high school Ebolowa. In fact, the first role of a parent is their children’s education. The concept of education is broad and has many aspects, the aspect that we focus on is the parental implication in the learners level of competence. Nowadays, parents focus more on their daily activities and their well being rather than their children’s education. They just limit themselves in paying school fees and books. Children are abandon to themselves and at the end they engage in violence in school, drug consumption because of peer pressure, environment influence, and other influences coming from indicators like « pedagogical follow-up », « socioeconomic situation of parents » and the « environment where the child live ». These factors constitute the secondary questions, secondary hypotheses and the objectives of the study. A qualitative study was used for this research. A questionnaire designed for parents and students was used to collect datas.fr_FR
dc.publisherUniversité de Yaoundé Ifr_FR
dc.subjectFonction parentalefr_FR
dc.subjectScolarisation de l’enfantfr_FR
dc.subjectNiveau de compétencesfr_FR
dc.subjectLycée techniquefr_FR
dc.titleThème : Fonction parentale dans la scolarisation de l’enfant et le développement du niveau de compétences des apprenants : cas des apprenants du Lycée technique d’Ebolowa région du Sud/Cameroun.fr_FR
Collection(s) :Mémoires soutenus

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