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dc.contributor.advisorMbahbaï, Ranava-
dc.contributor.authorKoung A Eroume, Félicité-
dc.description.abstractThis research is entitled : « use of ICT and effectiveness of the guidance counselor in a school establishment » It arises from the observation that current opening of guidance counselors at bilingual lycée in Ebolowa is very limited, due to the lack of accessibility of said technologies, this limitation does not meet the expectations of students. This reality poses the problem of the low professional remuneration the insufficient distribution of ICT in schools or in the workplaces of guidance counselors and finally the lack of accessibility of computer tools and the internet. Hence the question to know: does the use of ICT influence the effectiveness of the guidance counselor? This central interrogation made it possible to state the general hypothesis: the use of ICT influences the effectiveness of the guidance counselor. Through a qualitative approach, this phenomena was studied with 10 individuals on the basics of voluntary sampling. After the data, there is therefore a relationship between the technological skill and the effectiveness of the guidance counselor. After reading these results, some suggestions were made to the public authorities, guidance counselors and parents of pupils.fr_FR
dc.publisherUniversité de Yaoundé Ifr_FR
dc.subjectConseiller d’orientationfr_FR
dc.titleUtilisation des TIC et efficacité du conseiller d’orientation dans un établissement scolaire : cas du Lycée bilingue d’Ebolawafr_FR
Collection(s) :Mémoires soutenus

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